Blog Post

Ky. Governor’s Budget Includes Colon Cancer Screening Funds

The Colon Cancer Prevention Project shared news that Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear has included in his budget $1 million over the biennium to fund the Kentucky Colon Cancer Screening Program, a program formed by the General Assembly in 2008 that to date has been unfunded.

The $1 million would be matched by a new private foundation called the Kentucky Cancer Foundation.

In related news, House Bill 55, which would appropriate $8 million for the screening program, was passed unanimously last week by the House Health & Welfare Committee.

It will next go to Appropriations and Revenue. We are hopeful that with Gov. Beshear’s proposal and with the work going on with House Bill 55, funds will be included in the budget as it is finalized in the coming months.

This funding will allow for 4,000 uninsured Kentuckians to be screened for colon cancer.


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