Blog Post

CRC News: April 16, 2024

CRC News: April 16, 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of CRC News, the American Cancer Society National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (ACS NCCRT) periodic newsletter for ACS NCCRT members working toward our shared goal to reach 80% in Every Community.   

Register Now for the Latest ACS NCCRT Blue Star Conversation 

Learn how one health system is leveraging the EHR to identify candidates for genetic testing 

We are excited to announce our upcoming Blue Star Conversation, a series of one-hour programs that feature a brief and topical presentation or interview followed by small group member discussions and regrouping for key takeaways. Each conversation in the series will be hosted by one of ACS NCCRT’s six Strategic Priority Teams.  

Register to join fellow ACS NCCRT members on Wednesday, May 29th from 1:00-2:00 PM ET for: “Leveraging the Electronic Health Record for Cancer Prevention: A Look at How Yale New Haven Health System is Systematizing Risk Assessment and Risk Stratification to Identify Candidates for Genetic Testing.” The program will feature a brief introduction and moderation by Heather Hampel, MS, CGCC, one of the ACS NCCRT Family History & Early Onset Colorectal Cancer Strategic Priority Team co-chairs, followed by a presentation by Xavier Llor, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine and Director, GI and Pancreatic Cancer Prevention Program, Digestive Diseases, at Yale School of Medicine. The presentation will highlight how Yale New Haven Health System is using the electronic health record to systematically identify and invite at risk patients to participate in genetic testing for Lynch Syndrome, putting the principles outlined in the ACS NCCRT Risk Assessment and Screening Toolkit to Detect Familial, Hereditary and Early Onset Colorectal Cancer into action. Afterwards, participants will discuss potential benefits and limitations of this approach as well as next steps to implement this type of system in additional settings.  

Registration is open to ACS NCCRT members and CDC’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program and Comprehensive Cancer Control Program grantees, and the link is available via the CRC News email.

White House Declares April 2024 as Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month 

Prevent Cancer Foundation Led Inaugural Effort with 84 Other Organizations 

On March 29th, the White House issued an official presidential proclamation declaring April 2024 as the inaugural National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month. The effort recognizes the importance of expanding access to cancer screenings, enabling health life habits, driving new innovations, and generally stopping cancers before they start. To read more about how the proclamation came to be as well as how you can participate, visit the press release created by ACS NCCRT member, the Prevent Cancer Foundation.  

Upcoming Member & Partner Events: 

Register and Save the Date for these Upcoming Programs 

Save the Date for the 2024 ACS NCCRT Annual Meeting 

We hope you will plan to join us for #NCCRT2024! 

Please hold Wednesday, November 20th to Friday, November 22nd for the 2024 ACS NCCRT Annual Meeting. We are in the final stages of contracting with our hotel, so please keep an eye out for location details coming soon! 

Many thanks for the great work you do!


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We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.

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Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.

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