Blog Post

CRC News: August 23, 2022

CRC News: August 23, 2022
Dear NCCRT Members 80% Partners,

 We have a few exciting updates to share with you this week!

Planning to Attend the 2022 NCCRT Annual Meeting?

We hope you are saving the dates to join us for in Baltimore, Maryland!

Registration: Your personalized link to register as a member will arrive in your inbox within the next couple weeks. In the meantime, please email to let us know if your member representatives have changed or if you’d like to check who we have listed as your organization’s member representatives. This year we will offer an early bird rate of $275 through September 30th, followed by a regular rate of $325. Most member organizations and corporate associates send one or two member representatives to the meeting, but we can accommodate up to four representatives to attend.

Sponsorship: Each year our program is made possible by the generous support of our members and partners. Visit our Sponsorship Opportunities webpage to learn more about sponsorship and recognition. Thank you to the organizations that have made generous contributions in past years!

New Contractor Opportunity with NCCRT

The NCCRT team is seeking a contractor to lead in the development and production of an immersive program for a soon-to-be launched learning collaborative hosted by the NCCRT and our American Cancer Society Comprehensive Cancer Control Initiatives colleagues. Our goal is for participants to improve their knowledge around CRC interventions to improve health equity and enhance their skills and capacity to build a tailored health communications campaign by utilizing current data and NCCRT market research findings to tailor custom messaging to populations of focus in their communities.

Do you know of an agency or independent contractor that might be a good fit for the NCCRT? Please share our , which has a deadline of September 12, 2022. For any additional information, or to make an email introduction, please contact Kaitlin Sylvester, Director, NCCRT – Programs & Partnerships at .

New Mailed FIT Resource Added to the NCCRT Resource Center

We invite you to visit the to check out the latest external partner resource:

The provides a roadmap for how health systems and other entities can design and carry out mailed fecal immunochemical test (FIT) outreach programs, including information on key partnerships and what to have in place before launching a program. The guide was produced in partnership with the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, and supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Do you have a resource that you think would be a good fit for the Resource Center? Learn how to .

Welcome our Newest NCCRT Members!

We are pleased to announce the addition of seven new NCCRT member organizations:

  • American Medical Group Association
  • Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
  • Hitting Cancer Below the Belt
  • Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, Cancer Prevention and Control Section
  • Nebraska Cancer Coalition
  • Owensboro Health
  • Western Wayne Family Health Centers

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to these new NCCRT members!

Many thanks for the great work you do!


We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.

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