Blog Post

CRC News: February 5, 2019

CRC News: February 5, 2019

Hello NCCRT Members & 80% Partners,

We have several exciting updates to share with all of you.

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Short Video Opportunity

Do you have a story to tell about how you’re working to increase colorectal cancer screening rates to 80% and higher in your community? If so, we hope you’ll share it with us in a short :30 second video!

Some of the videos will be shared during our annual Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month live broadcast on March 7th in Atlanta, GA (register now for the live event and livestream broadcast). Others will be shared on our social media channels throughout March. The deadline to share videos is end of day February 19th. Read on to learn how to participate!

Video Content:

  • Share who you/your organization are and where you are located.
  • Quickly describe your organization and the community you serve (consider including notable disparities in colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, screening, or other barriers).
  • Briefly describe what you are doing to increase screening and the accomplishments you’re most proud of.
  • Make a closing statement that affirms your commitment to reaching 80% and higher colorectal cancer screening rates in your community.
  • Please do not mention the March 7th event and broadcast to keep the content evergreen.
  • Please assume you are speaking to a lay audience.
  • Survivor and caregiver messages are welcome, too! Consider briefly describing your personal connection to colorectal cancer and why you are working to achieve the 80% goal.
  • Looking for inspiration? Here’s an example of a similar video, but it doesn’t have to be this professional (and please limit to 30 seconds!). Thanks to Dr. Gray for sharing!

Video Format:

  • Please shoot in landscape mode, not portrait and save as an MP4 or MOV file.
  • Amateur and iPhone videos are welcome!
  • Looking for inspiration? Consider the following video background ideas:
    • Shoot the video in a community or clinic setting (outside a clinic building, inside a clinic)
    • Show a map in the background of your state/city/community
    • Show a collage of rotating photos with voiceover

How to Submit:

Thank you for considering this opportunity! We can’t wait to see your submissions!

Replay of NCCRT Webinar on CRC Screening Data Sets

In case you missed it, a replay of the January 28th webinarColorectal Cancer Screening Data Set Update: How are We Doing on our Efforts to Reach 80%?, is now available. The webinar featured expert presentations on the latest data from four key colorectal cancer screening data sets: NHIS, BRFSS, UDS, and HEDIS. Feel free to share with colleagues who could not join the webinar. Thanks to all our fantastic webinar speakers!

Registration Now Open for the 2019 Southeastern Colorectal Cancer Consortium

Registration is now open for the 4th Annual Southeastern Colorectal Cancer Consortium Convention in Little Rock, AR from June 19-21, 2019.

Relevant Journal Articles

  • A new study led by American Cancer Society researcher Ahmedin Jemal extends this group’s previous finding on increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in younger birth cohorts to trends in 12 other obesity-related cancers, and finds half of those 12 are increasing while only two of 18 other, non-obesity-related cancers are on the increase. View the news release.
  • NCCRT Steering Committee member Andrea (Andi) Dwyer recently published a paper on the results of the Colorado-based EndCancer social media campaign in which the Colorado Cancer Screening Program partnered with the Colorado Cancer Coalition and two community health centers to develop theory-based text messages to encourage cancer screening behavior. This blog post provides a recap of the results. Thanks to Andi for sharing!

Many thanks to all of you for the important work you do. Have a good week!

The NCCRT Team[vc_tweetmeme][vc_facebook]


We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.

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Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.

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