CRC News: February 7, 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of CRC News, the American Cancer Society National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (ACS NCCRT) periodic newsletter for ACS NCCRT members working toward our shared goal to reach 80% in Every Community.
Dr. Paul Schroy Honored with Prestigious ACS Volunteer Leadership Award
Dr. Schroy leads the Family History and Early-Age Onset CRC Strategic Priority Team
The ACS NCCRT is thrilled to announce that one our Strategic Priority Team Co-Chairs and longtime supporter, Paul C. Schroy III, MD, MPH, was recently honored with the Volunteer Leadership Award by the American Cancer Society (ACS). This national award is the top volunteer award presented by ACS annually to up to two individuals who have served as volunteer leaders and who have provided long and distinguished service to ACS. Dr. Schroy has contributed to the ACS NCCRT in innumerable ways since being present at its founding, specifically around work on early age onset CRC. The ACS NCCRT is grateful and honored to have Dr. Schroy’s hard work align with ours over many years.
ACS NCCRT Vice Chair Selection Update
Virtual Member Voting Opportunity to Open in Early February
Last fall, the ACS NCCRT sought nominations for a new Vice Chair to serve with ACS NCCRT Chair, Dr. Steven Itzkowitz. This month, the ACS NCCRT Nomination Committee is proposing a lead candidate, whose name will be put forward to the ACS NCCRT steering committee for a vote. Per our bylaws, the membership will then be called upon to make a final confirmation vote at the 2024 ACS NCCRT Annual Meeting this November. It is our hope that we will be able to announce the new Vice Chair in mid-February. Thank you in advance for your participation in this process!
Register Today for the Next Blue Star Conversation
There Is Still Time to Save Your Seat in Our Invite-Only Learning Session!
Join the ACS NCCRT on Wednesday, February 21, at 2pm ET to hear from and engage with other members and expert speakers, Nikki Hayes, MPH, and Tamara Robinson, MS. This Blue Star Conversation will provide an overview of work featured as a case study in the ACS NCCRT’s recently published Tailoring Colorectal Cancer Screening Messaging: A Practical Coalition Guide. Beyond the presentation, participants will break out into guided discussion groups and focus on key tangible actions for coalitions to take as they look to reach specific communities and increase CRC screening in those populations.
Not part of a coalition? That’s okay! We expect members from other types of organizations will have much to learn about targeting messaging from this guide.
Registration is open to ACS NCCRT members and CDC’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program and Comprehensive Cancer Control Program grantees. View the details on our website and members can find the registration link in their inboxes. Want to learn more about membership? Visit this link.
Dress in Blue Day is Friday, March 1, 2024
Raise awareness for colorectal cancer
Dress in Blue Day is Friday, March 1, 2024! The annual event brings awareness to colorectal cancer and honors those who are impacted by the disease. Visit the Colorectal Cancer Alliance to learn more.
Upcoming Member & Partner Events:
Register and Save the Date for these Upcoming Programs
- Registration is open for the Colon Cancer Foundation’s 8th Annual EAO-CRC Summit on February 9-10, 2024 in Nashville, TN. The summit will feature discussions on cutting edge medical and research advances, community building, conversation and action focused on addressing early-age onset colorectal cancer.
- The Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists (ABGH) is hosting its second annual CME medical symposium on May 17, 2024, in Washington, DC. Save the data and find upcoming registration information on the ABGH website.
- Save the date for the Southeastern Colorectal Cancer Consortium on June 11-13, 2024 in Nashville, TN. Registration opens on February 1 and visit the website for more information.
- Save the date for the third annual Western Colorectal Cancer Consortium Conference on September 26-27, 2024, in Davis, CA. Visit the website for more information and registration starting April 1.
Many thanks for all the great work you do!
The NCCRT Team
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We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
Do you have a suggestion for a future blog topic? We welcome you to share your suggestions by emailing [email protected].
Blog Policy
Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.
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© 2025 American Cancer Society National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable. All rights reserved.