CRC News: July 29, 2019

Hello NCCRT Members, We have lots of news to share.
New Guidebook on Messaging to the Unscreened
We are excited to announce the new 2019 Colorectal Cancer Screening Messaging Guidebook: Recommended Messaging to Reach the Unscreened is now available. The guidebook is based on new market research on screened and unscreened populations and is designed to help clinicians, health plans, health organizations, employers, family members and others convince more people to get recommended screening. It includes new market-research tested messages, insights into reaching common personas, including Fearful Delayers, Invincibles, Preoccupied Busy Bees and the Financially Challenged, and other findings that will better inform our efforts to improve colorectal cancer screening rates to 80% in Every Community. We also invite you to share the findings with your members and partners. We encourage you to retweet/repost the messages on NCCRT’s Twitter and Facebook channels today. Lastly, if you missed our July 16 webinar deep dive into the market research on the unscreened, the webinar replay is now available. Thank you to the many members and partners that contributed to this update to what is likely NCCRT’s most popular resource! We are excited to see how you use these findings to reach the communities you serve. Please share any successes and feedback at [email protected].
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Save the Date – 2019 NCCRT Annual Meeting, Nov. 19 – 21, 2019 in Baltimore, MD
If you haven’t already, mark your calendars! – the 2019 NCCRT Annual Meeting will start with pre-conference activity, including late afternoon Task Group meetings, on Tuesday, Nov. 19th and close the afternoon of Thursday, November 21st. Please note: Our meeting will take place on Tuesday to Thursday this year instead of our previous Wednesday to Friday schedule. More information, including sponsorship opportunities, will be posted soon.
New Manuscript Reports on Meeting to Explore Research Priorities in Early Age Onset Colorectal Cancer Research
Fight Colorectal Cancer’s (Fight CRC’s) manuscript, “A summary of the Fight Colorectal Cancer working meeting: Exploring risk factors and etiology of sporadic early-age onset colorectal cancer”has been published in the August 2019 edition of Gastroenterology. Earlier this year, Fight CRC, with partners at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, convened a working group of researchers, oncologists, and patient advocates in Denver, Colorado. to examine research initiatives aimed at investigating sporadic early-age onset colorectal cancer (EAO CRC). The published manuscript, with NCCRT Steering Committee member Andrea (Andi) Dwyer as lead author, is the collaborative effort of over 45 experts in the field of EAO CRC. Watch recent NCCRT Steering Committee member Dr. Dennis Ahnen’s video about the increase of EAO CRC.
Gastroenterology Invites Original Research Article Submissions
The journal Gastroenterology invites original research article submissions for the upcoming March 2020 issue on colorectal cancer. Submit your original research article by Sept. 30, 2019, for the opportunity to have it published in the themed issue of Gastroenterology focused on colorectal cancer. The issue will be published in March 2020 and will receive special promotion, making your article highly visible to AGA membership and the scientific community beyond.
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We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
Do you have a suggestion for a future blog topic? We welcome you to share your suggestions by emailing [email protected].
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