Blog Post

CRC News: October 23, 2018

CRC News: October 23, 2018
We hope you are enjoying early fall! 

Nominations for the 80% by 2018 National Achievement Awards Are Open!

The NCCRT is pleased to announce that nominations are open for the 2019 80% by 2018 National Achievement Awards, a competitive recognition program that seeks to highlight 80% by 2018 success stories by recognizing individuals and organizations who are dedicating their time, talent and expertise to advancing the shared goal to regularly screen 80% of adults 50 and over.

Of course, we welcome nominations of partners who have reached 80%, but we are also looking to recognize systems who are seeing noted improvements in baseline screening rates or recognize individual champions who have made a difference through leadership or other means. Visit the 80% by 2018 National Achievement Awards webpage to learn about contest rules, prizes and recognition, and to submit your nomination. The top nominee will receive a $3,000 donation to support their efforts (see the website for details and exceptions).

The nominations deadline is November 30th, 2018. Visit to learn more and watch a video announcement from the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic, our 2018 grand prize recipient. Thank you to Jessica Deaton and Kelli Guinn for so generously sharing their time to make this video!


Help Us Decide Our Next 80% Campaign

The 80% by 2018 campaign will be concluding at the end of this year, and so too ends our catchy slogan that has served us so well in inspiring extraordinary action and creating long-lasting, meaningful partnerships. However, as the NCCRT prepares for our next phase of work in achieving 80% colorectal cancer screening rates, both nationally and in local communities, we are reaching out to those dedicated participants of the 80% by 2018 campaign to help us determine what slogan and messaging best aligns with our ongoing mission and future strategic priorities.

If you haven’t already, please complete this brief survey to share your input in our next campaign. This survey should take no more than 15 minutes of your time and will close at 5 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, October 24.

Take the Survey


New PSA from Sharon Osbourne!

Today the American Cancer Society released a fun new PSA featuring colon cancer survivor Sharon Osbourne! Thanks to Sharon for sharing her story and helping to spread the message to get screened!


Don’t forget to register for the 2018 NCCRT Annual Meeting!

NCCRT members should have received their personalized registration link for the 2018 NCCRT Annual Meeting in an email from the American Cancer Society. The meeting will be held on November 14th, 15th and 16th at the Sheraton Inner Harbor in Baltimore, MD. Pre-conference activities, including the Task Group meetings, will occur on November 14th. You can view this year’s working agenda at the NCCRT website. If you need help finding your invitation, please check your spam filter and then, email [email protected].

And a big thank to organizations that have already agreed to sponsor the 2018 NCCRT Annual Meeting! We are incredibly grateful to you for your support. To date we’ve received $78,000, which means we’re just $2,000 shy of reaching our $80,000 goal! If you haven’t contributed yet, will you chip in to help us meet our goal? If you are interested in meeting sponsorship, please contact [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you there!


2018 NCCRT Task Group Webinars are Underway

In preparation for this year’s NCCRT meeting, task group meeting attendees will be required to participate in (or watch a replay of) a short task group webinar. During these webinars the task group co-chairs will recap the work of the task group, in order to ensure that we don’t spend valuable face-to-face meeting time getting the group up to speed. Rather, the intention is that the in-person time can be used to advance key issues and projects. Webinar dates and times are included below (all times are Eastern). While we have held one-hour blocks, each session will likely last for 20 to 30 minutes. Please RSVP to [email protected] to receive information on how to participate, and watch for an upcoming email from Caleb with links to the already recorded sessions.

  • Community Health Centers – Wednesday, October 10th, 3:30pm EST
  • Family History and Early Age Onset CRC – Wednesday, October 17th, 2:00pm ET
  • Public Awareness and Social Media – Monday, October 22nd – 12:30 ET
  • Professional Education and Practice Implementation – Tuesday, October 23rd 1:00pm ET
  • Evaluation and Measurement – Monday, October 29th – 3:00pm ET
  • Policy Action – TBD

And just a reminder, as with last year’s NCCRT schedule, the Task Groups will meet on Wednesday, November 14th from 5:00pm to 6:30pm.


Congratulations to NCCRT Members!

Join us in congratulating NCCRT Steering Committee member, Dr. Dennis Ahnen, for receiving the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA) Lifetime Achievement Award, which honors individuals who have had an important and lasting impact on the understanding and/or treatment of hereditary colorectal cancer.

See a photo of Dr. Ahnen receiving his award >>>

Please also join us in congratulating NCCRT member AliveAndKickn for receiving a shout out during Vice President Joe Biden’s recent talk on the work of the Cancer Moonshot initiative (see the shout out at the 33 minute mark).

Many thanks to all of you for the important work you do. Have a good week!



We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.

Do you have a suggestion for a future blog topic? We welcome you to share your suggestions by emailing [email protected].

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Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.

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