CRC News: September 28, 2018

2017 UDS Rates for CRC Screening are Now Available
The 2017 national average for CRC screening in HRSA-funded health centers was released last month and is at 42%, which increased from 39.9% in 2015, meaning an additional 223,100 patients screened in the last year alone and an additional 467,500 patients screened in the last 2 years. That’s almost half a million people! Visit the HRSA website for an additional understanding of the rates. View our 80% by 2018 Hall of Fame to see the list of these centers that are meeting or exceeding our shared goal. (And if you or are partner you know of is exceeding 80%, you can submit them to the Hall of Fame!) Thanks to Laura Makaroff for sharing the data. Most importantly, congratulations to all our colleagues working in health centers, as well as to the many of you who work to support health centers on this continued improvement!
Please Help: Annual NCCRT 80% Partner Survey Closes Monday
NCCRT members and 80% partners should have received an invitation to participate in our fourth annual 80% Partner Survey with another reminder arriving today by email from Dr. Richard Wender, NCCRT Chair. The survey is designed to help us better understand how each organization is promoting colorectal cancer screening and how we can better support those efforts. The survey closes on Monday, October 1st. We’re especially eager to get your feedback this year since it is 2018, the final year of the 80% by 2018 initiative, and the survey will help us assess the overall value of the effort. We would greatly appreciate your participation in the survey. Please email Emily Butler Bell at [email protected] with questions.
Call for NCCRT Steering Committee Nominations
We are currently seeking nominations for the NCCRT Steering Committee. The NCCRT Steering Committee provides strategic guidance to the NCCRT through participation in Steering Committee meetings, calls, and the NCCRT Annual Meeting. Steering Committee responsibilities include strategic planning, membership approval, oversight of NCCRT projects, and general leadership. The term of service is for two years beginning November 2018 and is renewable for one term. The names of nominees are submitted to the Nominating Committee, which reviews the nominations and selects the slate of Steering Committee candidates. The slate of candidates will be presented by email to the NCCRT membership prior to the Annual Meeting to be voted on at the Annual Meeting, which is on November 14th, 15th and 16th in Baltimore, MD.
Self-nominations are accepted. Traditionally, the Nominating Committee has preferred candidates who have a history of engagement with the NCCRT. Representatives from our Corporate Associates may not serve on the Steering Committee, but they may nominate other candidates. Please note that nominees are not guaranteed a spot on the Steering Committee, as this can be a competitive process. Having said that, we are grateful to all individuals who are willing to put themselves forward as nominees. Serving on the Steering Committee is a big commitment, and Steering Committee members play a vital role in the work of the Roundtable.
If you are interested in submitting your name to the Nominating Committee for consideration or would like to nominate someone, please email Emily Butler Bell at [email protected] by Friday, October 12th. Nominees will be asked to submit a Statement of Interest (1,000 word maximum) along with a CV.
Mark Your Calendars — 2018 NCCRT Task Group Webinars
In preparation for this year’s NCCRT meeting, task group meeting attendees will be required to participate in (or watch a replay of) a short task group webinar. During these webinars the task group co-chairs will recap the work of the task group, in order to ensure that we don’t spend valuable face-to-face meeting time getting the group up to speed. Rather, the intention is that the in-person time can be used to advance key issues and projects. Webinar dates and times are included below (all times are Eastern). While we have held one hour blocks, each session will likely last for 20 to 30 minutes. Please RSVP to [email protected] to receive information on how to particpate.
- Community Health Centers – Wednesday, October 10th, 3:30pm EST
- Family History and Early Age Onset CRC – Wednesday, October 17th, 2:00pm ET
- Public Awareness and Social Media – Monday, October 22nd – 12:30 ET
- Professional Education and Practice Implementation – Tuesday, October 23rd 1:00pm ET
- Evaluation and Measurement – Monday, October 29th – 3:00pm ET
- Policy Action – TBD
And just a reminder, as with last year’s NCCRT schedule, the Task Groups will meet on Wednesday, November 14th from 5:00pm to 6:30pm.
New NCCRT Report on Cancer Centers and Colorectal Cancer
I am very pleased to share with you a new NCCRT report: A Strategic Look at Cancer Centers and Colorectal Cancer Screening. The report explores cancer center barriers to focusing on CRC screening as a priority issue; identifies strategies to overcome barriers so that cancer centers can leverage their role in the community to achieve higher CRC screening rates; and begins the process of developing a strategic plan to spur cancer center action in this area. The report also includes case studies of NCI-designated Cancer Centers that excel in advancing CRC screening efforts. This report was only made possible by the work of numerous individuals. Many thanks to Robert Croyle, Richard Wender, Lisa Richardson, Ernest Hawk, Electra Paskett, Karen Kim, Robin Vanderpool, Ronald Myers, Lynn Butterly, Caleb Levell, Katie Bathje, Ken Lin Tai, Suzanne Lagarde, Holly Guerrero, LeeAnn Bailey, Cindy Vinson, Sarah Shafir, Michael Potter, Dorothy Lane, and Todd Lucas for their contributions.
Registration Open for NCI Webinar: Cancer Moonshot Funding Opportunities Related to Inherited Cancer Syndromes
NCI will be hosting a webinar to answer questions about Cancer Moonshot funding opportunities related to inherited cancer syndromes on Oct. 11th, 2018 from 11am to 12pm ET. You can register here. This webinar will provide a brief overview and answers questions related to the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Cancer Moonshot℠ funding opportunity announcements (FOAs), Approaches to Identify and Care for Individuals with Inherited Cancer Syndromes (RFA-CA-19-017, U01, Clinical Trial Required) and Communication and Decision Making for Individuals with Inherited Cancer Syndromes (RFA-CA-19-001, U01, Clinical Trial Optional). Questions will be accepted in advance via [email protected].
Relevant Journal Articles
Below is a list of recent journal articles that may be of interest:
- A recent JAMA article looked at the Effectiveness of a Mailed Colorectal Cancer Screening Outreach Program in Community Health Clinics: The STOP CRC Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial and found that an EHR-embedded mailed FIT outreach intervention significantly improved rates of FIT completion and rates of any colorectal cancer screening. Many thanks to Durado Brooks and Dorothy Lane for bringing this article to our attention, and congratulations to NCCRT Steering Committee member Gloria Coronado, Steve Taplin, and the other authors! You can also hear Dr. Coronado talk about her study at this year’s NCCRT annual meeting.
- A study in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention explored Using a Culturally Tailored Intervention to Increase Colorectal Cancer Knowledge and Screening among Hispanics in a Rural Community. The study found that CRC screening rates with FOBT increased from 51.0% to 80%, and there was also a statistically significant increase in social engagement, that is, the intent to speak to friends and relatives about CRC screening. Thank you to Durado Brooks for bringing this article to our attention, and congratulations to the study authors!
- A study in Carcinogenesis was recently published entitled, Lack of APC somatic mutation is associated with early-onset colorectal cancer in African Americans. Importantly, the study identified a subtype of CRC that is associated with younger age of diagnosis, lack of APC mutation, microsatellite and chromosome stability, lower mutation burden, and distinctive methylation changes. Congratulations to NCCRT Steering Committee member, Dr. Xavier Llor, as well as the other authors!
- A study in Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology was recently published entitled, Barriers to Lynch Syndrome Testing and Preoperative Result Availability in Early Onset Colorectal Cancer: A National Physician Survey Study. The authors identified inconsistencies and confusion over who is responsible for ordering microsatellite instability (MSI) and/or immunohistochemistry (IHC) testing. Among other things, the study concluded that putting in place institutional universal testing protocols can optimize care. Congratulations to study authors, Dennis Ahnen, Tom Weber and Jordan Karlitz, as well as the other authors!
- An article on the Potential Intended and Unintended Consequences of Recommending Initiation of Colorectal Cancer Screening at Age 45 Years was published in Gastroenterology, and explores intended and unintended consequences of the recent ACS guideline change, while calling for further research. Congratulations to study authors Peter Liang, Jim Allison, Samir Gupta and the other authors!
National Hispanic Heritage Month is Underway
National Hispanic Heritage Month is underway. One in two Hispanic adults between 50 and 75 years old is not getting screened for colorectal cancer as recommended. Use the NCCRT’s Hispanics/Latinos and Colorectal Cancer Companion Guide to find tested English and Spanish messages and for guidance on how to tailor your messages to reach this priority population in a culturally competent way.
Do you Know of a Patient who Benefitted from CRC Screening Who Might Share their Story?
The NCCRT is in the midst of producing a glossy report that readily articulates the history, progress, key milestones, and successes of the 80% by 2018 effort. We’d like to feature stories of patients who benefitted from CRC screening, particularly patients who were screened a part of your organization’s push to 80%. If you know of a patient who might be willing to share their story, please contact [email protected] with “80% by 2018 Patient” in the subject line, so we can set up a time to discuss. We are committed to handling these stories with sensitivity and will follow the patient’s lead in determining the extent to which they are identified.
Do you Have 80% by 2018 Pictures to Share?
The NCCRT is in the midst of producing a glossy report that readily articulates the history, progress, key milestones, and successes of the 80% by 2018 effort. We are looking for photos from a variety of partners that capture the spirit of the 80% by 2018 effort to include in the report. If you have high quality photos for us to consider, please send the photos to [email protected] with “80% by 2018 Photo” in the subject line, indicating names of those in the photo, photo date, and location, along with a brief statement given us royalty-free permission to use the photo in the NCCRT publication. Please note that not all photos will be accepted.
Welcome Back Emily!
And a warm welcome to Emily Bell who has returned from maternity leave! Emily is returning at 70% time. Her full days are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, so she may be delayed in responding if you email her on a Tuesday or Friday. As you can tell from the many mentions of her name above, she’s hit the ground running! Emily, we’re so glad to have her back!
Finally, many thanks to all of you for the important work you do. Have a good weekend!
We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
Do you have a suggestion for a future blog topic? We welcome you to share your suggestions by emailing [email protected].
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Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.
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© 2025 American Cancer Society National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable. All rights reserved.