CRC News – Week of May 1, 2017
The NCCRT Joins the Prevent Cancer Foundation in Honoring Leaders in Cancer Prevention
The NCCRT is pleased to join the Prevent Cancer Foundation in honoring the 2017 Laurels Award Winners for national leadership, community service and advocacy. This year, Dr. Holly Wolf, Dr. Gina Villani and Mr. Brian Hummell have been recognized by the Foundation. Please join us in congratulating this year’s winners, with a special shout out to our long-time friend, Dr. Holly Wolf, NCCRT Co-Chair of the Policy Action Task Group and former NCCRT Steering Committee member, who received this year’s award for national leadership. Congratulations to Holly, Gina and Brian!
Click here to learn more about the winners:
Deadline for Responding to Family History Module RFP has been extended to Thursday, June 1st, 2017
The deadline for request for proposals to develop a new primary cancer module that will complement NCCRT’s existing primary care resources has been extended to Thursday, June 1st. The purpose of this module is to aid those in primary care settings to transform internal practices around the identification and appropriate management of patients at familial risk of colorectal cancer, as well as improve responsiveness for the earliest possible diagnosis of young adults presenting with symptoms and/or signs of colorectal cancer. Please review the RFP here: The new letter of intent deadline is May 18th and June 1st is the proposal deadline. Please contact [email protected] with questions.
Save the Date: June 27th webinar at 2:00pm ET for Updated CRC Evaluation 101 Toolkit
The NCCRT will soon be releasing an updated CRC Evaluation 101 Toolkit. The updated toolkit will still review the seven steps to evaluation, but will now include guidance on evaluating provider, systems change and policy change interventions related to CRC screening, as well as an expanded appendix of tools and resources. Please mark your calendars for our Tuesday, June 27th webinar at 2:00pm ET during which we’ll review the updates to the toolkit. Webinar content will be covered until 3:00pm ET, but speakers will stay on until 3:15pm ET to answer questions. Registration is not yet open, but please save the date.
FluFIT Program Website Update
Dr. Michael Potter of the University of California’s Department of Family and Community Medicine asked that we share the news that the FluFIT program website has been updated. Thanks to a grant from C4 (California Colorectal Cancer Coalition), the website now has better graphics and updated implementation resources. You can explore the new website at:
New Colon Cancer Alliance Clinical Trials Finder
The Colon Cancer Alliance has announced the launch of a new Clinical Trial Finder. The database has direct access to all trials posted on as well as NCI and allows the user to personalize results based on location, biomarker, phase, stage and more! Visit to learn more. The CCA hosted a webinar explaining the new resource last month, and the replay is available here:
New Article on Time to Follow up Colonoscopy after Positive FIT
A new article appeared in JAMA last month that evaluated time to colonoscopy after a positive FIT result and its association with risk of colorectal cancer and advanced-stage disease at diagnosis. Follow-up after 10 months was associated with a higher risk of colorectal cancer and more advanced-stage disease at the time of diagnosis. Further research is needed to assess whether this relationship is causal. You can view the abstract here. Congratulations to Doug Corley, Ann Zauber, TR Levin and the other authors!
Huffington Post Blog on CRC Screening
NCCRT Public Awareness Co-Chair Dr. David Greenwald recently authored a blog on CRC screening for the Huffington Post. Congratulations to Dr. Greenwald! You can read the blog here:
Sign up for an NCCRT Task Group
We heard loud and clear in our 80% by 2018 partner survey that NCCRT members are ready to engage, share, and give more! We are pleased that one of the responsibilities of our new NCCRT program manager, Caleb Levell, is to make it easier for NCCRT members to engage through the NCCRT task groups. Task group focus areas include: Community Health Centers; Evaluation and Measurement; Family History and Early Onset Colorectal Cancer; Policy Action; Professional Education and Practice Implementation; and Public Awareness. If you are interested in getting involved in the work of a task group, please email Caleb at [email protected]. Or sign up here:
We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
Do you have a suggestion for a future blog topic? We welcome you to share your suggestions by emailing [email protected].
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Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.
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