CRC News – Week of May 15, 2017
Invitation to Participate in Next Phase of NCI’s Colorectal Cancer Implementation Science Needs Assessment (DUE May 19th)
This is an invitation to participate in NCI’s Colorectal Cancer Implementation Science Needs Assessment. NCI is asking that you visit the following link: and participate in sorting and rating of statements that had been submitted during the brainstorming phase of the project by May 19th! Your participation will help build a base of knowledge and provide information that will guide the development of specific research funding opportunities related to increasing the implementation of colorectal cancer screening and help NCI prioritize research activities for the Blue Ribbon Panel’s Implementation Workgroup. If you have already participated in the sorting and rating phase- thank you! If you haven’t yet participated in the sorting and rating, please do so. The project will close at 5 pm this coming Friday (May 19th). Please direct questions about the project to [email protected]
New Article: Results from an Evaluation of Patient Navigation in the New Hampshire Colorectal Cancer Screening Program
A new article in the journal, Cancer on Increasing Colonoscopy Screening in Disparate Populations: Results from an Evaluation of Patient Navigation in the New Hampshire Colorectal Cancer Screening Program, led by Ketra Rice, PhD, evaluated how effective patient navigation was in improving colorectal cancer screening by colonoscopy. The article offers some of the strongest evidence yet on the effectiveness of patient navigation for improving colonoscopy screening completion and quality in the disparate populations most in need of intervention. Congratulations to the study authors, including NCCRT colleagues, Amy DeGroff PhD, Joanne Gersten RN, and Lynn Butterly MD!
New Article on Decision Aids, Patient Navigation and Colorectal Cancer Screening
A recently publication in JAMA Internal Medicine, sought to determine the combined effect of a CRC screening decision aid and patient navigation compared with usual care on CRC screening completion. The study found that a patient decision aid plus patient navigation increased the rate of CRC screening completion in compared with usual care invulnerable primary care patients. The article can be accessed here: Congratulations to study author, Dr. Michael Pignone, as well as the other study authors!
New MSS-CRC Clinical Trial Finder from Fight CRC
Fight CRC recently shared the news that together with Fight CRC, Stage IV colorectal cancer survivor Dr. Tom Marsilje, known to many as “Dr. Tom” or the “Currently Incurable Scientist,” released version two of a microsatellite stable colorectal cancer (MSS-CRC) clinical trial finder tool, the “Late Stage MSS-CRC Trial Finder: A curated list powered by patients.” The tool can be accessed at
Call for Free or Low Cost Stock Photography Sources
NCCRT members recently voiced a need for access to free or low cost stock photography sources to use in their colorectal cancer screening promotion materials. Needs include photos of diverse adults aged 50 and older, clinicians and colorectal cancer screening tests, such as colonoscopes and stool tests. Do you manage or know of sources that we should know about? If so, please share your suggestions with Emily Bell at [email protected] and we will share in a future email update.
Poster on NCCRT Links of Care Poster Receives Top Poster award at Dialogue for Action Meeting.
A poster on the St. Paul, MN Links of Care pilot program, Links to Care: Building Colorectal Cancer Specialty Care Access for Community Health Center Patients, received the top poster designation at the Prevent Cancer Foundation‘s recent 2017 Dialogue for Action® conference on cancer screening and prevention in Mclean, Virginia. You can view the poster here. Congratulations to Chris Singer, Roshan Paudel and the other authors!
Eleven Teams Selected to Attend 80% by 2018 Forum II
Eleven (11) state teams have been selected to attend the 80% by 2018 Forum II in Atlanta, GA on July 18-19. All teams include six (6) organizations/key members. Selected teams include Arkansas, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, and Rhode Island. This is the second in a series of forums sponsored by CDC, the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, the NCCRT and other national partners. The first forum was held in September 2015. Participants will receive training on how to increase their capacity using evidence-based interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening rates. Congratulations to these eleven teams!
Deadline for Responding to Family History Module RFP has been extended to Thursday, June 1st, 2017
The deadline for request for proposals to develop a new primary cancer module that will complement NCCRT’s existing primary care resources has been extended to Thursday, June 1st. The purpose of this module is to aid those in primary care settings to transform internal practices around the identification and appropriate management of patients at familial risk of colorectal cancer, as well as improve responsiveness for the earliest possible diagnosis of young adults presenting with symptoms and/or signs of colorectal cancer. Please review the RFP here: The new letter of intent deadline is tomorrow, May 18th. June 1st is the proposal deadline. Please contact [email protected] with questions.”
500 Cities Webinar
The 500 Cities Project provides first-of-its kind data on nearly 30 health indicators and some of the most costly and preventable chronic diseases at the census-tract level in 500 of the largest U.S. cities, including colorectal cancer screening. The CDC and RWJF are hosting a webinar, during which participants can learn how to use the new interactive website to retrieve, explore, and visualize city and census tract-level data at the community level State and local public health officials and community leaders may find this webinar helpful. RSVP HERE for May 24 from 1:00pm- 2:00pm ET.
Save the Date: June 27th webinar at 2:00pm ET for Updated CRC Evaluation 101 Toolkit
The NCCRT will soon be releasing an updated CRC Evaluation 101 Toolkit. The updated toolkit will still review the seven steps to evaluation, but will now include guidance on evaluating provider, systems change and policy change interventions related to CRC screening, as well as an expanded appendix of tools and resources. Please mark your calendars for our Tuesday, June 27th webinar at 2:00pm ET during which we’ll review the updates to the toolkit. Webinar content will be covered until 3:00pm ET, but speakers will stay on until 3:15pm ET to answer questions. Registration is not yet open, but please save the date.
We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
Do you have a suggestion for a future blog topic? We welcome you to share your suggestions by emailing [email protected].
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Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.
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