Blog Post

Happy Valentine’s Day to Our Volunteers

Happy Valentine’s Day to Our Volunteers

Date: February 13, 2025

This February, the ACS NCCRT is Celebrating Our Many Volunteers

This Valentine’s Day, the ACS NCCRT is reflecting with gratitude on the many incredible volunteers who made our work possible over the past year. Throughout the year, these dedicated individuals work with the ACS NCCRT staff to guide our strategic planning, plan our annual meeting, develop resources, review membership applications, evaluate award nominations, as well as spread the word about our collective work. We are so grateful for their time, passion, and many contributions! The ACS NCCRT would like to celebrate and highlight the following volunteers from the last year: 

Steering Committee 

In 2024, our steering committee had four members roll off and we are grateful for their service. Thank you to Frank Colangelo, MD, M.S.-HQS, FACP, Beverly B. Green, MD, MPH, Candace Henley, MPH, and Allison Rosen, MS. 

We welcomed our new Vice Chair, Gloria Coronado, PhD as well as four new steering committee members: Christopher Lieu, MD, Molly McDonnell, Stacie Miller, MSN, MPH, RN, and Jennifer Park, CHES, MPH.   

Learn more about all of our steering committee members here.  

Standing Committees 

Our standing committees—bylaws, membership, and nominating—provide expert input on some of our most important decisions throughout the year.  Of note, we are grateful to the following committee members for generously sharing their time and expertise with us over the last year: 

  • Membership Committee: Victoria Brenton, MPH, Margaret Hitchcock, PhD, Dorothy Lane, MD, MPH, Susan Stewart, Chair, Jean Wang, MD 
  • Nominating Committee: Charlie Weatherspoon, Chair, Gloria Coronado, PhD, Dorothy Lane, MD, Paul Schroy, MD, MPH, Richard Wender, MD 

Learn more about our standing committees here. 

Strategic Priority Team Chairs 

Each ACS NCCRT Strategic Priority Team (SPT) chair is an expert on their SPT’s specific charge and work within that area to address the ACS NCCRT’s priorities. The SPT chairs guide their teams in identifying needs or opportunities in their specific topic areas, which helps to inform our overall strategy. We are grateful to the following leads: 

  • Community Health Centers: James Hotz, MD, MACP 
  • Family History & Early Onset CRC: Heather Hampel, MS, CGCC, Paul Schroy, MD, MPH 
  • Professional Education & Practice Implementation: Frank Colangelo, MD, M.S.-HQS, FACP, Xavier Llor, MD, PhD 
  • Policy Action: Heather Dacus, DO, MPH, Molly McDonnell 
  • Public Awareness & Social Media: David Greenwald, MD 
  • State-Based Initiatives: Katie Bathje, MA, Nikki Hayes, MPH

To review what each committee does more in depth,  visit this page

Special Advisory Leadership or Committees 

80% in Every Community National Achievement Awards Nominations Review Committee: Ashley Ballard, Ohio Association of Community Health Centers; Meredith Bell, Unity Medical Center; Yoli Cabello, Family Health Services Corporation; Erin Hultgren, Kintegra; Jennifer Molokwu, SuCCCeS program; Shelby Sih, Prevent Cancer Foundation; Elsa Staples, Colorado Cancer Screening Program; and Charlie Weatherspoon, Eric Davis Foundation.  

2024 Annual Meeting Planning Committee: Erica Childs Warner, MPH, Prevent Cancer Foundation; Dionne Christopher, Colorectal Cancer Alliance; Nikki Hayes, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Xavier Llor, MD, PhD, Yale School of Medicine; Molly McDonnell, Fight Colorectal Cancer; Stacie Miller, MSN, MPH, RN, Moncrief Cancer Institute UT Southwestern; Michael Potter, MD, University of California, San Francisco; Allison Rosen, MS, American Cancer Society; Michelle Tropper, MPH, and Trudy Wright, BSN, RN, CLSSGB, HealthEfficient; Richard Wender, MD, University of Pennsylvania; Pascale White, MD, MBA, MS, FACG, Mount Sinai; Laura Wood, CHES, American Cancer Society.

CRC Screening in Rural Communities Advisory Committee: Cara Brown, Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation; Michael Newcomer, Western North Carolina Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiative; Susan Eason, West Virginia University Cancer Institute; Amanda Petrik, Kaiser Center for Health Research; Tamara Robinson, Nebraska Cancer Coalition; Nikki Medalen, ND Quality Health Associations; LaToya Brave Heart, Great Plains Tribal Leaders Health Board; Elsa Staples, Colorado Cancer Screening Program; and Tracie Lewis, Colorectal Cancer Prevention Network. 

We are also incredibly grateful to our sponsors, whose generous support who made our work possible through funding.  

Our Sponsors

Lastly, we’d like to thank the many speakers that generously shared their expertise at numerous ACS NCCRT events, and last but not least, we are immensely grateful to our ACS NCCRT chairs, Gloria Coronado, PhD, vice chair, Steven Itzkowitz, MD, FACP, FACG, AGAF, chair, and Laura Makaroff, DO, ACS Permanent Representative, who lead and support our work year round! 

We couldn’t do the work of the ACS NCCRT without you! Thank you for your service towards our mission of reducing the incidence of and mortality from colorectal cancer in the US. 

Yours in partnership, 

Kaitlin, Emily, and Aubree  


We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.

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