Hats Beat The Winter Cold – And Colorectal Cancer, Too!
We all wear different hats—as a parent, a spouse, a sibling, or a friend—and we’ve been taught to keep these hats separate from our professional life. I urge you to rethink that “lesson” in light of our 80% by 2018 collaboration. The idea behind bringing many “hats” to the table is that we are able to think creatively about new ways to promote colorectal cancer screening across a variety of target audiences.To continue our collaborative efforts, I challenge you to bring your thinking caps! How can we spread the word about colorectal cancer screening to the very communities for whom it’s crucial—but not on the radar? Can we look at lessons learned and build upon those ideas? Can we think creatively and work together to ensure that we are getting our message to those who need it most?
We have made a terrific start in addressing many of these questions, and CDC-supported programs will continue to accelerate the race to 80%. Everyone has a contribution, and your “personal” hat might bring a new perspective. When you take off that hat to sit down at the hairdresser’s, ask if they would like to get involved in promoting colorectal cancer screening with the folks they know. They may have some ideas that just might work. By working together and continuing to promote cancer prevention at every level, we can reach our goal of 80% by 2018. And on that I’ll hang my hat.
We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
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