“There has been progress, but it’s uneven. A 30 percent decline in colon cancer cases is encouraging, but so many people who should be getting screened aren’t. The well-to-do-and/or well educated largely get tested, while the medically under-served and the uninsured often do not. Through an initiative dubbed “80 x 18,” a coalition is trying to close that gap. The goal is to substantially increase the number of all age-appropriate adults being screened—increasing it to 80 percent—by 2018. That would be huge and save countless lives.”
Read more at Gotham Magazine or Capitol File Magazine
In addition, Katie’s thirty minute interview called Cancer: A Conversation. This piece was developed in connection with upcoming documentary CANCER: THE EMPERORO OF ALL MALADIES and is posted on the cancerfilms.org site. In this conversation about the documentary, there’s a powerful segment with Sharon Rockefeller, President and CEO of WETA discussing her colon cancer diagnosis, treatment and survival. That segment begins at approximately 3:30.
We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
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