Community Health Centers Strategic Priority Team
Activity & Progress
The charge of the Community Health Centers Task Group is to identify and act on opportunities for NCCRT to advance efforts to increase colorectal screening delivery within the community health center setting.
James Hotz, MD, MACP
Dr. Hotz is Clinical Services Director of Albany Area Primary Health Care (AAPHC) a Community Health Center with 13 clinical sites that serves 40,000 citizens in rural Southwest Georgia. A graduate of Cornell University and the Ohio State University School of Medicine.
Albany Area Primary Health Care
Community Health Center Strategic Priority Team Chair
Gloria D. Coronado, PhD
University of Arizona
Steering Committee Vice-Chair Elect, Steering Committee Member, 2016-2020
Recent Highlights
Blue Star Conversation – May 17, 2023
The interactive program reviewed interventions to increase rates of follow-up colonoscopy after a positive stool-based screening test.
Steps for Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates: A Manual for Primary Care Practices
Through a step-by-step format, the newly updated Steps Guide with exemplary case studies provides evidence-based, expert-endorsed strategies to improve colorectal cancer screening rates in primary care practices.
NCCRT Colonoscopy Needs Calculator
This calculator estimates the number of colonoscopies a practice can realistically anticipate with a high-quality stool-based CRC screening program based on various screening rate goals and other data inputs.
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