CRC News: February 24, 2022

NCCRT Launches New Blue Star Conversation Series
The overwhelming feedback we received from the 2021 NCCRT Annual Meeting is that NCCRT members want us to deliver more timely presentations plus opportunities for in-depth conversation. It’s not easy to do this in the virtual environment, but we’re up for the challenge!
We are excited to announce our new Blue Star Conversations, a series of one-hour programs that will feature a brief, timely, topical presentation (just 15-20 minutes) followed by small group member discussions and regrouping for key takeaways. Each conversation in the series will be hosted by one of NCCRT’s six Strategic Priority Teams.
Join us for our first Blue Star Conversation on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, from 12:00-1:00 PM ET. The inaugural conversation, What Proportion of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer is Potentially Preventable Based on Family History and Genetics?, will be hosted by the Family History & Early Age Onset Strategic Priority Team and will feature Heather Hampel, MS, LGC, of City of Hope National Medical Center and co-chair of the Strategic Priority Team, who will present findings from the recent publication, A High Percentage of Early-age Onset Colorectal Cancer Is Potentially Preventable, published in Gastroenterology.
Registration is open to NCCRT members and CDC’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program and Comprehensive Cancer Control Program grantees.
Do you need to update your NCCRT member representatives? Or are you unsure of who is on our lists? Please email [email protected].
We hope you will join us for this exciting new series!
To register, use the link in CRC News that was sent to NCCRT members on February 24, 2022.
Welcome our Newest NCCRT Members!
We are pleased to announce the addition of four new NCCRT members: FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered, Ostomy 2-1-1 Inc., PALTOWN Development Foundation/COLONTOWN, and Geneoscopy, Inc., which will be joining the NCCRT as a corporate associate. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to these new NCCRT Members!
Reminder: Register for NCCRT’s Annual Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Webcast!
Registration is open for NCCRT’s annual National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month webcast on Tuesday, March 8 from 2-3:00 PM ET. We hope you will join us to celebrate national achievements and to hear the latest state of the field updates that inform our work.
Many thanks for the great work you do!
The NCCRT Team
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We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
Do you have a suggestion for a future blog topic? We welcome you to share your suggestions by emailing [email protected].
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Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.
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