CRC News: January 16, 2020
Hello NCCRT Members and 80% Partners,
We have several updates to share with you this week.
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Short Video Opportunity
Do you have a story to tell about how you’re working to increase colorectal cancer screening rates to 80% and higher in your community? If so, we hope you’ll share it with us in a short :30 second video! Some of the videos will be shared during our annual Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month webcast on March 5th at 2 PM ET from the American Cancer Society’s Global Headquarters in Atlanta, GA (learn more and pre-register). Others will be shared on our social media channels throughout March. The deadline to share videos to be considered for the live broadcast is February 19th, but we’re collecting videos through February 28th to share throughout March. Read on to learn how to participate! Video Content:
- Share who you/your organization are and where you are located.
- Quickly describe your organization and the community you serve (consider including notable disparities in colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, screening, or other barriers).
- Briefly describe what you are doing to increase screening and the accomplishments you’re most proud of.
- Include a statement about your commitment to reaching 80% and higher colorectal cancer screening rates in your community.
- Please do not mention the March 5th event and broadcast to keep the content evergreen, but please do share excitement about participating in 80% in Every Community.
- Please assume you are speaking to a lay audience.
- Survivor and caregiver messages are welcome, too! Consider briefly describing your personal connection to colorectal cancer and why you are working to achieve the 80% goal.
- Looking for inspiration? Here’s an example of a video submitted by Unity Health Care for the March 2019 webcast. You can find additional great examples from March 2019 on the NCCRT YouTube channel.
Video Format:
- Please shoot in landscape mode, not portrait and save as an MP4 or MOV file.
- Amateur and iPhone videos are welcome!
- Looking for inspiration? Consider the following video background ideas:
- Shoot the video in a community or clinic setting (outside a clinic building, inside a clinic)
- Show a map in the background of your state/city/community
- Show a collage of rotating photos with voiceover
How to Submit:
- Please upload your video file to the following Google Drive folder AND send an email to [email protected] with your name and contact info so that we can reach out to you with any questions:
id= 1yidXFBUn84xj7c3FhMUd457879asq sEC - The deadline to share videos to be considered for the live broadcast is February 19th, but we’re collecting videos through February 28th to share throughout March.
Thank you for considering this opportunity! We can’t wait to see your submissions!
New 80% Blog Post Interview with Dr. Bryan Green, 2019 80% By 2018 National Achievement Award Winner
Don’t miss the latest post on the 80% Blog featuring Dr. Bryan Green of South Carolina, our 2019 80% by 2018 National Achievement Award honoree in the Physician Champion category. Learn about how Dr. Green, a gastroenterologist, is providing screening colonoscopies at no cost to uninsured and medically underserved South Carolinians and about his lobbying and advocacy work to recruit additional gastroenterologists and secure state funds to support these efforts. Congratulations and many thanks to Dr. Green for sharing about his success! We encourage you to share the blog and/or retweet/repost the messages we’re sharing via @NCCRTnews and
Registration Open: NCCRT Webinar on Colorectal Cancer Screening Data Trends
Webinar: What do the Data Tell Us: What can we learn from the latest colorectal cancer screening rate trends over time? Date: January 30th, 2020 Time: 12:00 to 1:00 PM ET Registration is open for our next webinar, during which we’ll look at the latest data that informs how we are doing as a nation with our efforts to reach an 80% colorectal cancer screening rate. You will hear from experts as they give an update on where we are progressing and where we still need to focus to help inform your work ahead.
Notice of Funding Opportunity from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This week the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a new grant opportunity: Public Health and Health Systems Partnerships to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Clinical Settings. Letters of intent are due February 5, 2020 and the application due date is March 17, 2020.
Upcoming Partner Events
- The inaugural Western Colorectal Cancer Consortium Conference (WC4) will be held March 26-27, 2020 at the UC Davis Conference Center in Davis, CA. Attendance is limited so interested partners are encouraged to register soon.
- The Prevent Cancer Foundation is hosting the Prevent Cancer Dialogue, an annual national conference that brings a diversity of stakeholders together to discuss the best ways to reinforce cancer screening, prevention and risk reduction initiatives in their communities. Registration is now open for this year’s meeting, which will be held on April 15-17, 2020 in Arlington, VA. Nominations for the annual Laurels awards are being accepted now through January 31. Abstracts for the poster session will be accepted through February 7. Additionally, NCCRT will be hosting a workshop during the preconference session on Wednesday, April 15th. More information will be shared soon. Many thanks to our friends at the Prevent Cancer Foundation for generously sharing their meeting space with us.
- Save the date for the Sixth Annual Early Age Onset Colorectal Cancer Summit to be held April 22-23, 2020 in New York, NY.
- Save the date for the 5th Annual Southeastern Colorectal Consortium to be held June 9-11, 2020 in Louisville, KY.
Thank you for all the great work you do!
The NCCRT Team
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We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
Do you have a suggestion for a future blog topic? We welcome you to share your suggestions by emailing [email protected].
Blog Policy
Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.
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