CRC News: June 30, 2022

Dear NCCRT Members:
We have several exciting updates to share with you this week.
Register Now: Webinar Release of NCCRT’s Newly Updated Steps Guide for Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care
Date: Monday, July 25, 2022
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM ET
Register now for the upcoming webinar release of NCCRT’s Steps for Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Manual for Primary Care Practices, an updated second edition to the first edition originally published in 2014. This edition has been expanded to include all primary care settings and updated to reflect current guidelines, new screening modalities, 10 case studies of exemplary practice sites, and updated literature references. The first edition was one of the NCCRT’s most popular resources and has been instrumental in helping primary care practices throughout the United States achieve improvements in their colorectal cancer screening rates.
- Laura Makaroff, DO, Senior Vice President, Prevention and Early Detection, American Cancer Society
- Michelle Tropper, MPH, Director of Clinical Programs, Health Efficient
- Keith Winfrey, MD, MPH, FACP, Chief Medical Officer, New Orleans East Louisiana Community Health Center
- Frank Colangelo, MD, MS-HQS, Chief Quality Officer, Premier Medical Associates
Registration is free and is open to NCCRT members, 80% Pledge partners, CDC grantees, ACS and ACS CAN staff, and other partners working to increase colorectal cancer screening rates. Pre-registration is required.

Replay Available: Webinar Preview of NCCRT’s New 2022 Messaging Guidebook for Black & African American People
Did you miss NCCRT’s webinar preview of the soon-to-be-released 2022 Messaging Guidebook for Black & African American People: Messages to Motivate for Colorectal Cancer Screening on June 21, 2022? Now you can watch the replay! The webinar provides an overview of the NCCRT market research findings, including barriers to CRC screening, preferred and trusted sources for receiving healthcare information, and research-tested messages that could help encourage unscreened Black and African American people to seek CRC screening. Watch for the guidebook release announcement in this newsletter in the next one to two weeks.
NCCRT Poster Wins 2nd Prize at Southeastern Regional Colorectal Cancer Consortium Conference!

The NCCRT staff attended the 6th annual Southeastern Colorectal Cancer Consortium hosted in Irving, Texas, on June 15-17, 2022. We congratulate the Southeastern Colorectal Cancer Consortium for hosting an invigorating conference. Our staff is honored to have received second place for our “Colorectal Cancer Screening Messaging Research: Messages to Motivate Black People & African Americans” poster.
Exact Sciences Releases Request for Proposal to New FOCUS Program
Exact Sciences, an NCCRT corporate association member, released a new opportunity through the Funding Opportunities for CRC Screening Uptake Strategies or FOCUS Program.
Exact Sciences encourages all interested parties to follow the link under the Intent to Apply section of the RFP on page 5 of the document to share their contact information for further outreach about this process. Additional application information will be shared with all interested parties at the beginning of July. The deadline to submit proposals is August 1, 2022. Email Meg Fischer, [email protected], with questions.
Prevent Cancer Foundation Research Program Call for Proposals
The Prevent Cancer Foundation, an NCCRT member, conducts a research program that aims to identify and fund innovative projects with the potential to contribute substantially to cancer prevention or early detection. The deadline to apply is July 11, 2022, at 11:59 pm ET.
National LGBT Cancer Network Announces the LGBTQ+ Colorectal Cancer Toolkit!

This month the National LGBT Cancer Network released a Colorectal Cancer Toolkit that provides tailored materials for LGBTQ+ community members. Visit the microsite for information on colorectal cancer risk, screening test options, finding welcoming medical providers, as well as tips and information on cancer care management and survivorship.
Many thanks for the great work you do!
The NCCRT Team
We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
Do you have a suggestion for a future blog topic? We welcome you to share your suggestions by emailing [email protected].
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Opinions expressed in these blog posts are that of the author and do not represent policies of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable or the author’s institution.
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