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CRC News: March 13, 2020

CRC News: March 13, 2020

Hello NCCRT Members & 80% Partners,

We have several updates to share with all of you.

Introducing the 80% in Every Community Strategic Plan

The 80% in Every Community Strategic Plan (2020-2024) provides a focused, action-oriented roadmap for stakeholders, collaborators, and cross-sectored partners. The plan provides a variety of recommended activities that all stakeholders can use to help define, prioritize, and accomplish their goals. Guided by an overarching problem statement and an inspirational vision, and bounded by the core values of collaboration and health equity, the strategic plan emphasizes four strategic focus areas:

  • Assess and Build Capacity in Communities;
  • Catalyze Healthcare Systems;
  • Mobilize at Public Touch Points; and,
  • Break Down Policy Barrier.

Thank you to the NCCRT’s Strategic Plan Advisory Group, the dozens of member organizations that contributed to planning, and many other individuals willing to volunteer their expertise and recommendations throughout the development process.

Learn More

Three New Reports Highlight Recent Colorectal Cancer Findings

  • According to Colorectal Cancer Statistics 2020, an American Cancer Society publication released on March 5th, the burden of colorectal cancer is swiftly shifting to younger individuals as incidence increases in young adults and declines in older age groups. Report findings include the median age of diagnosis has dropped from age 72 in 2001-2002 to age 66 during 2015-2016 and half of all new diagnoses in people 66 or younger. The publication is accompanied by a consumer version, Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures and a press release is also available. NCCRT is planning a webinar to share further findings from the report with lead author Rebecca Siegel, MPH in the next couple months. We will share the date and registration as soon as it’s available.
  • A new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vital Signs: Colorectal Cancer Screening Test Use — United States, 2018, provides an in depth analysis of colorectal cancer screening data from the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey. The report finds in 2018, 68.8% of adults were up to date with colorectal cancer screening test use, but screening prevalence was 15.9 percentage points lower among those aged 50-64 years than among those aged 65-75 years. A consumer version is also available, which includes messaging around the importance of starting screening at age 50.
  • The Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, an annual report produced by the CDC, the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, provides annual updates on cancer occurrence and trends in the United States. The report finds decreasing death rates from colorectal cancer in men and women but showed an increase in colorectal cancer death rates among young adults.

March Webcast Replay and Videos Now Available

Did you miss our annual National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Webcast on March 5th? It was a tremendous event with over 1,000 viewers and 65 watch parties! You can still watch the replay. We also featured several videos during the webcast, which you can now view and share:

Webinar CME Opportunity on Stool Testing for Colorectal Cancer

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the American Cancer Society are pleased to release an updated, no-cost webinar: Efficacy of Stool Testing for Colorectal Cancer Screening. During this no-cost, one-hour online session with 1.25 Category 1 Credit, Durado Brooks, MD, MPH, Vice President, Cancer Control Interventions at the American Cancer Society and NCCRT Steering Committee member, provides a review of current guidelines for colorectal cancer screening, discusses the efficacy of stool-based testing for increasing overall screening rates, and more. The webinar includes some Massachusetts-specific statistics, but the majority of the content is applicable to any location and it is accessible to anyone, regardless of location of practice or medical license.

Community Grant Opportunity

The Prevent Cancer Foundation announced a call for applications to its community grants program, which funds vital community-level projects in cancer prevention and early detection across the U.S. Applications for the one-year $25,000 awards will be accepted through March 30, 2020, 5pm ET. Visit the website to review the guidelines and submission instructions and frequently asked questions. Questions? Contact

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We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.

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