CRC News: November 26, 2019

Hello NCCRT Members, Thank you to those of you that made the trip to Baltimore to join us for the 2019 NCCRT Annual Meeting last week! We learn so much from our members and speakers each year—thank you for your contributions. We will share links to slides, keynote video recordings, and photos in the next couple weeks. Meanwhile, we have a few updates to share with you this week.
Deadline Extended: Submit Your Nominations for the 2020 80% in Every Community National Achievement Awards
It’s not too late to submit your nominations for the 2020 80% in Every Community National Achievement Awards! Nominations must be submitted by end of day Wednesday, November 27th. Visit to learn more.
Advanced Colorectal Polyp Brief
The Advanced Colorectal Polyp GI Brief was developed to help endoscopists and primary care clinicians identify patients with advanced colorectal polyps, understand the epidemiology and associated risk factors, and most importantly know the risks of colorectal neoplasia for patients with advanced colorectal polyps and their first-degree relatives (parents, siblings, children). The guide was created as a supplemental piece to other briefs developed by the NCCRT, specifically the What can Gastroenterologists & Endoscopists Do to Advance 80% in Every Community. Download the brief as well as template communication materials and letters at the NCCRT Resource Center. Thank you to the members of the Advanced Adenoma Working Group, a sub-group within the Family History and Early Age Onset Colorectal Cancer Task Group. Notably, thank you to Christine Molmenti, Jennifer Kolb, Jordan Karlitz, Paul Schroy, and Dennis Ahnen for their leadership and oversight of this project.
2018 BRFSS Colorectal Cancer Screening Data Now Available
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a new webpage describing findings on the use of colorectal cancer screening tests from the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data. Nationwide, the percentage of adults who were up-to-date with colorectal cancer screening went up by 1.4 percentage points between 2016 and 2018, meaning that 4.2 million more people were screened. This increase amounts to 9.3 million additional people screened between 2012 and 2018.
2019 NCCRT Member Organizational Reports Available Online
Learn about the work NCCRT member organizations are doing to fight colorectal cancer on the 2019 NCCRT Member Organizational Report webpage (password: please request at [email protected]). Reports are shared with the intention that member organizations can learn from each other, so please do not share the URL or password. And if you haven’t already submitted your report, it’s not too late! Please take a moment to complete your annual organizational report before the end of the year. Please email [email protected] with any questions.
Grant Opportunity Forecast from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
In October, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a grant opportunity forecast: Public Health and Health Systems Partnerships to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Clinical Settings. The estimated post date for the grant opportunity is January 17 and the estimate application due date is March 17, 2020.
Save the Date for the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Annual Conference April 15-17
Save the date for the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s annual national conference in Arlington, Virginia on April 15-17, now the Prevent Cancer Dialogue: Prevention, Screening, Action. Take advantage of opportunities to dialogue with first-rate experts, discuss the latest trends in cancer prevention and early detection, and network with colleagues. In addition, the nomination period for the 2020 Cancer Prevention Laurels Awards, an awards program supported by the NCCRT, is now open! Submit your nominations by Friday, January 24, 2020.
Save the Date for the 6th Annual Early Age Onset Colorectal Cancer Summit April 22-23
Save the date for the Colon Cancer Foundation’s sixth annual Early Age Onset Colorectal Cancer Summit in New York City on April 22-23, 2020. The EAO CRC Summit will offer a full day of cutting edge medical and research advances, community building, conversation and action focused on addressing young adult-onset colorectal cancer, featuring an international medical and scientific faculty of experts.
Many thanks for the great work you do!
The NCCRT Team
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We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
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