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Blue Star Conversation – What Proportion of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer is Potentially Preventable Based on Family History and Genetics? – March 29, 2022

Blue Star Conversation – What Proportion of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer is Potentially Preventable Based on Family History and Genetics? – March 29, 2022

NCCRT Blue Star Conversation- March 29, 2022

On March 29, 2022, the NCCRT’s Family History & Early-Age Onset CRC (EAOCRC) Strategic Priority Team hosted the NCCRT’s first Blue Star Conversation, a new interactive program for NCCRT members and CDC grantees. The inaugural conversation, What Proportion of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer is Potentially Preventable Based on Family History and Genetics?, featured Heather Hampel, MS, LGC, of City of Hope National Medical Center and co-chair of the Strategic Priority Team, who presented findings from the recent publication, A High Percentage of Early-age Onset Colorectal Cancer is Potentially Preventable, published in Gastroenterology. This recording features the expert speaker presentation portion of the program followed by a brief recap of the discussion section (the participant breakout discussions have been omitted).  

Visit NCCRT’s Events & Webinars page to find information about upcoming programs and events. 

Following are key takeaways from the presentation: 

  • ACS guidelines could result in an earlier diagnosis for 41.3% of EAOCRC
  • Surveillance guidelines for patients with a First-Degree Relative (FDR) with CRC are more effective without an age requirement
  • Surveillance guidelines for hereditary CRC are more effective than those for FDR only
  • 4% (117/713) of EAOCRC is potentially preventable
  • 9-14% of EAOCRC patients have a FDR with CRC
  • 16% of EAOCRC patients have a mutation in a cancer susceptibility gene

Key takeaways from the breakout room discussions:

  • The importance of lead time messaging to target different age groups (20- 45 year old);
    • Social media strategies
    • Marketing tools
    • Educational materials
    • Sharing best practices
  • The importance of insurance coverage for earlier screening for patients with a family history of CRC
  • The possibility of family history of CRC becoming a reportable HEDIS measure
  • The need to increase genetic testing within rural areas
  • The development of blood-based testing as a screening mechanism for early-onset patients
  • How TeleVideo has bridged the accessibility for cancer genetic counseling


Below are relevant links referenced in the March 29th webinar: