Blue Star Conversation – What Proportion of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer is Potentially Preventable Based on Family History and Genetics? – March 29, 2022
NCCRT Blue Star Conversation- March 29, 2022
On March 29, 2022, the NCCRT’s Family History & Early-Age Onset CRC (EAOCRC) Strategic Priority Team hosted the NCCRT’s first Blue Star Conversation, a new interactive program for NCCRT members and CDC grantees. The inaugural conversation, What Proportion of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer is Potentially Preventable Based on Family History and Genetics?, featured Heather Hampel, MS, LGC, of City of Hope National Medical Center and co-chair of the Strategic Priority Team, who presented findings from the recent publication, A High Percentage of Early-age Onset Colorectal Cancer is Potentially Preventable, published in Gastroenterology. This recording features the expert speaker presentation portion of the program followed by a brief recap of the discussion section (the participant breakout discussions have been omitted).
Visit NCCRT’s Events & Webinars page to find information about upcoming programs and events.
Following are key takeaways from the presentation:
- ACS guidelines could result in an earlier diagnosis for 41.3% of EAOCRC
- Surveillance guidelines for patients with a First-Degree Relative (FDR) with CRC are more effective without an age requirement
- Surveillance guidelines for hereditary CRC are more effective than those for FDR only
- 4% (117/713) of EAOCRC is potentially preventable
- 9-14% of EAOCRC patients have a FDR with CRC
- 16% of EAOCRC patients have a mutation in a cancer susceptibility gene
Key takeaways from the breakout room discussions:
- The importance of lead time messaging to target different age groups (20- 45 year old);
- Social media strategies
- Marketing tools
- Educational materials
- Sharing best practices
- The importance of insurance coverage for earlier screening for patients with a family history of CRC
- The possibility of family history of CRC becoming a reportable HEDIS measure
- The need to increase genetic testing within rural areas
- The development of blood-based testing as a screening mechanism for early-onset patients
- How TeleVideo has bridged the accessibility for cancer genetic counseling
Below are relevant links referenced in the March 29th webinar:
- Risk Assessment and Screening Toolkit :
Explore More
Clinician’s Reference: Stool-Based Tests for Colorectal Cancer Screening
This revised resource is designed to introduce (or reintroduce) clinicians to the value of stool-based testing for colorectal cancer.
The Dos and Don’ts of Colorectal Cancer Screening
NEWLY UPDATED! This cobrandable one-page flyer may be used to remind clinicians about some of the dos and don’ts when it comes to colorectal cancer screening.
Colorectal Cancer Data Dashboard
The CRC Data Dashboard is a dynamic national platform that integrates layers from multiple sources and allows you to interactively explore data using maps and graphs.