Developing State-Level Colorectal Cancer Coalitions (Roundtables) – May 2, 2018
This webinar was a repeat of one of our most highly rated workshops from the 2017 Annual Meeting. This webinar unveiled the new Guide to the Development of State Level Colorectal Cancer Coalitions as well as a companion piece, an action-oriented summary report and workbook. The webinar begins by taking a look at the ten tasks which help coalitions initiate, maintain, and grow their efforts. Then, presenters speak to their experiences and lessons learned from two states, Kentucky and California. These two states were some of the earliest leaders in establishing successful state level colorectal cancer coalitions, and their expertise was instrumental in the development of these resources.
- Caleb Levell, Program Manager, National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (Presenter/Moderator)
- Katie Bathje, MA, Program Director of the Kentucky Cancer Consortium
- Shauntay Davis, MPH, Program Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program at the California Department of Public Health
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The Dos and Don’ts of Colorectal Cancer Screening
NEWLY UPDATED! This cobrandable one-page flyer may be used to remind clinicians about some of the dos and don’ts when it comes to colorectal cancer screening.
Colorectal Cancer Data Dashboard
The CRC Data Dashboard is a dynamic national platform that integrates layers from multiple sources and allows you to interactively explore data using maps and graphs.
2023 Lead Time Messaging Guidebook
This Guidebook is intended to provide you with information and tools to motivate individuals at average and heightened risk for CRC to discuss screening prior to the recommended screening age. Our belief is that this will increase the likelihood that they will prioritize getting screened on-time for CRC.