Steps for Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates: A Manual for Community Health Centers (2014)

Download the 2014 Manual. Note: The NCCRT released a 2022 update to the Steps Guide in September 2022. The 2014 version is available for historical reference only. View the 2022 Steps Guide.
Steps for Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates: A Manual for Community Health Centers
The NCCRT released a 2022 update to the Steps Guide in September 2022.
This manual provides step-by-step instructions to help community health centers implement processes that will reduce physician workload and increase colorectal cancer screening. Important topics, such as conducting baseline screening rates, assessing capacity and preparing your team are covered. The goal of this manual is to offer practical advice for implementing expert-endorsed recommendations one step at a time.
The manual is organized into three primary sections: 1) An Introduction that provides information on the importance of colorectal cancer screening; 2) Steps to Increase Cancer Screening Rates, which maps out a plan for improving your screening rates and gives step by step instructions for doing so; and 3) The Appendices, which provides field-tested tools, templates, and resources to get you started.
We suggest that you use the manual in segments, focusing on the three or four pages of information you need at a time, and make good use of the appendices, which have several templates, tools, and resources to save you time.
If you use the live links throughout the manual, you can get back to where you were by pressing “Alt+Left Arrow” on a PC or “Command+Left Arrow” on a Mac.
View the September 11, 2014 webinar introducing the new manual.
The manual serves as a supplement to the existing How to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates in Practice: A Primary Care Clinician’s Evidenced based Toolbox and Guide.
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