State-Based Initiatives Strategic Priority Team
Activity & Progress Update
The State-Based Initiative Strategic Priority Team’s charge is identify opportunities to leverage the national-level “ACS NCCRT 80% in Every Community” Campaign with state-based coalitions and programs, through proactive communication, networking, and development of resources to improve colorectal cancer screening and awareness

Recent Highlights

Tailoring Colorectal Cancer Screening Messaging: A Practical Coalition Guide
This step-by-step guide is targeted at coalitions who are looking to make highly effective campaigns to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rates in their communities, especially for those hardest to reach, illustrated by case studies.

What Can Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalitions Do to Advance 80% in Every Community?
Comprehensive cancer control (CCC) programs and coalitions play a critical role in promoting colorectal cancer screening messages and activities in community settings across the United States.

Guide to the Development of State-Level Colorectal Cancer Coalitions
This guide provides partners with a framework for the development of state-based coalitions focused on colorectal cancer control.
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