NCCRT 2015 Annual Meeting a success!
The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable’s 2015 Annual Meeting took place November 19 and 20 at a Bethesda, MD, hotel, and provided the more than 180 attendees with a wealth of information to support the theme “80% by 2018: Showcasing Success.”
The NCCRT annual meeting is a time when the NCCRT membership, which includes federal agencies, medical professional societies, survivor groups, advocates, state health departments, academic institutes, Society health systems staff, and others, come together to learn about the latest evidence-based interventions, hear about a new tools, network with leaders in the field, and conduct strategic planning.
At numerous plenary sessions, 10 different workshops, and a variety of breakout sessions, members worked diligently to share information, identify needs and opportunities, and address gaps in research, programs, activities, and services relating to colorectal cancer.
Rich Wender, MD, our chief cancer control officer and chair of the NCCRT, and Bob Smith, PhD, the Society’s VP of cancer screening, had the honor of welcoming attendees. Dr. Wender gave a progress report on the goal to regularly screen 80% of adults ages 50 and older for colorectal cancer by 2018. Despite the initiative being launched just as screening rates were plateauing, Dr. Wender shared a number of successes. He also shared the results of a recent partner survey, in which 72% of respondents said they launched, expanded, or intensified their activities after getting involved in the 80% by 2018 effort. Respondents also had high praise for American Cancer Society health systems staff, and indicated they were putting NCCRT tools and resources to use. Dr. Wender called on attendees to embrace even more partners and leaders in our strategic effort to achieve this historic goal.
The first day’s keynote speaker, Roy J. Duhé, associate director of cancer education at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, discussed the plans to boost screening rates in Mississippi, while the second day keynote speaker, Roma Torre, NY1 anchor, theater critic, and colorectal cancer survivor and advocate, told her personal story. Their distinct voices and compelling messages supported the importance of screening and early detection for saving lives. Just as compelling was the story of colon cancer survivor Christopher Stadelman, director of communications for West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, who accepted the NCCRT’s Distinguished State Leadership Award on the governor’s behalf.
The incredible outpouring of support from our sponsors contributed to the success of the NCCRT 2015 Annual Meeting. With a sponsorship goal of $35,000, the NCCRT surpassed it and received $45,700 from more than 23 different sponsors.
Roundtable Director Mary Doroshenk, MA, called the meeting “spectacular.”
“While the work of the Roundtable happens year round, there is nothing quite like having so many leaders, experts, and advocates gather in one place to share their know-how, their passion, and their energy toward saving lives from this disease. They are making 80% by 2018 the success that it is, and we are grateful to them,” she said.
More than 100 member organizations and over 500 pledged partners have embraced the NCCRT’s goal. Visit our 80% by 2018 webpage to learn more.
We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.
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