2019 80% in Every Community Messaging Guidebook: Recommended Messaging to Reach the Unscreened

2019 Colorectal Cancer Screening Messaging Guidebook: Recommended Messages to Reach the Unscreened
In 2018, the NCCRT and the American Cancer Society researched screened and unscreened populations to better understand and address screening disparities. The goals of the market research were to:
- Measure general awareness of colorectal cancer screening methods.
- Understand the rationale, attitudes, and motivations for being screened or not.
- Analyze priority populations such as adults aged 50-54, rural dwellers, and the marketplace insured.
- Identify logical and emotional drivers that could encourage screening.
- Use the drivers to create and test messages that would motivate unscreened individuals.
This guidebook shares the findings and recommendations gathered from that research and is further designed to help in the education, empowerment, and mobilization of those who are not getting screened for colorectal cancer. Our hope is that our partners can take this research and the recommended messaging provided to strengthen your own communications campaigns, creating resources that resonate with the target audiences even more by using your own creativity, innovation and spokespersons.
The NCCRT would like to thank the Public Awareness and Social Media Task Group members who participated in the conceptualization of this Guidebook’s research and content. Also, a very special thank you to the 80% in Every Community Market Research Advisory Group for their participation, expertise, and oversight.
Other Guides and Resources:
The Hispanics/Latinos and Colorectal Cancer Companion Guide and Asian Americans and Colorectal Cancer Companion Guide introduce market research about the unscreened from these populations and include tested messages in Spanish and several Asian languages. The 2017 Communications Guidebook is also still a useful resource for developing your messaging campaigns.
2019 Messaging Guidebook – Table of Contents (Section Downloads Below)
- Introduction
- Understanding the Unscreened
- Groups of Interest
- Barriers to Screening
- Motivating the Unscreened
- Delivering the Message
- Elements of Effective Messages
- Preferred Messages
- Profiles of Priority Populations:
Other tools were developed during the 80% by 2018 campaign and can still help you promote and evaluate your communications:
- Engaging Celebrity Ambassadors
- Earning Your Earned Media
- Guidance on Evaluating 80% by 2018 Messaging
More communications tools and resources will be coming soon!
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