Blog Post

“Thunderclap” social media campaign

The NCCRT is partnering with the National Alliance for Hispanic Health to promote colorectal cancer screening among Hispanics during March, National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. NCCRT members are invited to participate in a “Thunderclap” social media campaign, which includes a link to NCCRT’s new English and Spanish brochures and an action step for the public to contact the Alliance’s Su Familia helpline for information and screening referral. If interested, please follow the Alliance’s instructions below to register by March 22nd.

What is a Thunderclap?
If 100 supporters sign up by Wednesday, March 23rd at 12:00 noon EST then a message will collectively go out at that time over all of our social media accounts. The messages encourage prevention and give the Alliance’s Su Familia helpline number (1-866-783-2645) for information and screening referral.

How Do I Join?
1. Just click on each of the links below to join our English and Spanish Thunderclap Social Media Campaigns. (English) (Spanish)
2. When you go to each link, click on the red FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and/or TUMBLR bar and enter your account information for the social media channels in which you are active.

What message goes out?
English campaign:
“March is #coloncancer awareness month. Call 1-866-783-2645 today for life-saving screening info and referrals.”
Spanish campaign:
“Marzo, mes de la concientización sobre el #cancerdecolon. La detección temprana salva vidas. Llame al 866-783-2645”

Where Can I Get Help Signing Up?
Have questions? NAHH is happy to help. Please call George Lont at 202-797-4349 or email [email protected].

Many thanks to our partners at the National Alliance for Hispanic Health, particularly Paul Baker and Adolph Falcon, as well as to our colleague, Emily Bell, for making this happen!


We Highlight Successes, Leaders, Best Practices, And Tools That Are Making An Impact In The Nationwide Movement To Reach 80% Screened For Colorectal Cancer.

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