How We Work
The ACS NCCRT acts as a catalyst to stimulate work on key issues around colorectal cancer. The work of the ACS NCCRT is guided by its strategic plan with direction and input from an active Steering Committee. Both the ACS and the CDC are permanent members of the Steering Committee which oversees all committees and Strategic Priority Teams. Through the efforts of several Strategic Priority Teams, the ACS NCCRT advances initiatives that focus on provider education, public education, health policy, quality, and disparities issues. Volunteer administrative committees and staff also act as a backbone to support the ACS NCCRT’s work.
Together with members, the ACS NCCRT works hard to share information, identify needs and opportunities, and address gaps in research, programs, activities, and services relating to colorectal cancer. The strength of such a partnership, united in mission, enhances the work of each member and thus effectively further the cause of colorectal cancer prevention in the United States.
Stimulating Work On Key Issues
A fundamental premise of the ACS NCCRT is that collective action among the member organizations will be more successful in reducing the burden of disease, and reducing that burden faster, than if we worked alone. A core principle of the ACS NCCRT is that it will not duplicate or take on roles of member organizations, but rather fulfill those roles that would otherwise go undone.

Explore Our Strategic Priority Teams
Each Strategic Priority Team has a unique charge that engages members to further the ACS NCCRT mission.
The ACS NCCRT’s work is made possible through the support of three volunteer member-staffed committees: the Bylaws Committee, the Membership Committee, and the Nominating Committee. Learn more about them and their essential role in the ACS NCCRT structure.
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